Dog Licenses

Upon moving to the Township or obtaining a new dog, it is your responsibility to register your dog with Township staff as soon as possible. If you are new to the Township, please visit the Municipal Office during regular business hours and register your dog(s). The Township has dog licenses available year-round at the Municipal Office and also at the Annual Spring Rabies Clinics held at the Dawn-Euphemia Community Centre in Florence, at the Public Works Garage in Cairo and at the Firehall in Rutherford.

Tags range from $30 to $50 depending on whether the dog is spayed or neutered. If you have purchased a license in the previous year, you will be invoiced in Mar/Apr. Invoices must be paid by the due date of May 1st otherwise a late fee of $25 will apply to each dog license. If you no longer harbour a dog or if you are the property owner, your tenant has moved or there is no longer a dog on your property, please contact the Municipal Office to have our records updated. Any invoices not paid will be added to the final tax bill for that property in September at a cost of $20 each.

Animal Control By-Law

During business hours, please contact the Municipal Office at 519-692-5148 should you require animal control services and/or enforcement of the Animal Control By-Law (By-Law No. 46 of 2013). For weekends and after-hour service, if you have (1) captured a stray dog or a dog running at large; or (2) have found an injured dog that requires transportation to the vet or pound, you can contact the Animal Control Officer, Jim Thompson at 519-695-5512 or 519-401-8883. The dog must be contained or leashed for the Animal Control Officer to respond.

The primary purpose of the Animal Control By-Law is to prevent dogs from running at large in the Township. All residents are required to control their dogs and ensure they do not leave their property unless they are on a leash under the control of a person. Owners of dogs found running at large can face a fine of $150. Failure to remove your dog waste or failure to license your dog can also receive the same fine.  All cats and dogs 3 months and older, must be vaccinated.

Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program

The Township administers the provincial Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. The purpose of this program is to provide compensation to eligible applicants whose livestock and /or poultry have been injured or killed, or whose bee colonies, beehives and/or beehive-related equipment have been damaged as a result of wildlife. Funding for the program is provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Township Council is responsible for appointing Municipal-Valuers for the purposes of the program and for paying an applicant’s claim under the program in accordance with the terms and conditions set out by the province.

Where the owner of livestock or poultry discovers that his/her livestock or poultry has been injured or killed by wildlife, the owner must contact the municipality within 48 hours of discovering the injury or death.

The Municipal Clerk will then immediately notify the Municipal-Valuer who will carry out a full investigation within 3 days of receiving notification. The Municipal-Valuer will then complete a report to be submitted to the province for payment. It should be noted that injuries or deaths caused by dogs are not eligible for compensation under this program.

Janell BeemerAccounts Receivable/Reception