There are approximately 320 municipal drains in the Township. Municipal drainage is regulated by the Drainage Act. The Drainage Act provides for the appointment of a Drainage Superintendent and a procedure or mechanism for landowners to obtain solutions to their drainage problems. The Act set outs the procedures to be followed for maintenance, repair, and improvement of all current municipal drains under By-Laws passed by Council as well as the construction of new drains constructed under the Act.

Drain Maintenance

Section 74 of the Drainage Act requires the municipality to maintain any drain constructed under the Drainage Act or any predecessor of the Act at the expense of the upstream lands and roads as set out in the last applicable By-Law.  Drain maintenance is by request only from any landowner within the watershed limits of the drain. Common requests handled under maintenance are clean out of the drain (ie: removal of trees, repairing/replacing tile, silting and cleaning out tiles) and replacement of existing culverts. The Request for Drain Maintenance or Repair Form is available here.

Drain Repair and Improvement

Section 78 of the Drainage Act allows landowners and road authorities to request repairs or improvements to the whole or part a municipal drain. All projects under Section 78 require the appointment of a Drainage Engineer to prepare a new report. Common requests handled by the Drainage Superintendent are as follows:

  • New access culverts
  • Construction of bridges or culverts
  • Covering in part or whole of a municipal drain
  • Deepening, widening and extending to an outlet
  • Relocation of the municipal drain
  • Construct a new outlet
  • Consolidate two or more drainage works

Council has appointed the Public Works Superintendent as the Township’s Drainage Superintendent. The Drain Improvement Form is available here.

Open Drain Cleanout Projects (Prevent Crop Loss)

The following Municipal Drains are scheduled for maintenance:
