Regular Council meetings are generally scheduled the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. If a Monday designated for the holding of a Council meeting falls on a public holiday, Council meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first day following which is not a public holiday. Special Council meetings may also be scheduled. Meetings are normally held at the Municipal Office, 4591 Lambton Line, unless otherwise noted. Agendas/Reports are available upon request.
Regular Council meetings are open to the public and residents are welcome to attend either in-person or via Zoom. If you are interested in attending via Zoom, please contact the Clerk, in advance of the meeting, to receive an invite and instructions. The Council Meeting Schedule is available here.
Planning meetings are scheduled when required and are generally held at the beginning of a regular Council meeting.
Persons wishing to appear as a delegation and make a verbal presentation at a Council meeting are asked to file their request with the Administrator-Clerk. All persons wishing to make a presentation to Council shall identify who they are, as well as which group or organization, if any, they are representing and the topic of their presentation. This information shall be submitted to the Administrator-Clerk, in writing, and will be received no later than 12:00 noon on the Wednesday prior to the next scheduled meeting of Council. Please be advised that delegations are restricted to 10 minutes with 5 minutes allowed for questions/answers.